Saturday, June 8, 2019

Modern Educational System Essay Example for Free

Modern Educational System EssayI decided to write about education system in Ukraine because I think it is very common problem and because Im a student as well. Educational system in Ukraine at the present comprise is sufficiently complex and hard-to-reach for citizens. Despite the fact that officially education is considered to be free of charges on all levels for children, in reality p arnts confront series of problems that be not so easy to deal with, unless they have certain savings of m championy. So for example, p bents atomic number 18 obliged to reserve places in kindergartens even before the children be born. Because if you do not do this by the time your child is three years old in that respect will be no more slothful place left. And of course we must not forget that all institutions of preschool educations under one reason or another demand financial contribution for diverse needs. The same range of problems is applied to school education with distinction that p arents are forced to purchase different teaching material on their own in many cases. Another very important subject matter is related to the field of physical activity for children and teenagers.It is well known that for everyone, who is nearly six or seven years old, immovable pastime on the lessons for forty five minutes is nearly a torture and fifteen minutes of break are not enough for proper progress and harmony of such a young and growing organism. But even in spite of this it makes no dissimilarity to us and we continue to insist on such unnatural methods doctrine of torment for our children. The question is why? Against the background of this days schedule we are confronting the constant cases of childrens overwork and fatal outcomes.The structure of spiriteder education in Ukraine according to its ideology and goals corresponds to the structure of education in most demonstrable countries of the world. It is very important that in March, 2005 Ukraine has joined the Bolog na system and became an active participant of development of the all-European space in the sphere of higher education. For today there are 951 higher educational institutions of different levels of accreditation in Ukraine which conduct preparation of qualified experts of more than 500 specialties.But even more difficult tasks are in prospect to be solved in the system of higher education, so as to adjust proximate planed dependence from demand and offer of experts in different spheres of activity. Nowadays in our country we experience luck of teachers, medical workers, and profile engineers in various sectors and in the same time we have overmuch of such professions as economists, lawyers and others. Its not a secret that education is not an exception, as well as other systems in our country, where we confront corruption.This affair is one of the most problematic and hard-to-solve for Ukrainian population. For example, Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Azarov has signed a decree of th e Cabinet of Ministers aimed at improving the quality of IT professionals, strengthening cooperation amidst business and education, bringing education to the needs of industry and prod market. One of the key barriers of IT industry development is lack of human resources. The level of IT graduates rarely meets the requirements of the labor market today.Lack of practical training, insufficient level of English proficiency, miss of skills working in the team all lead to the fact that only 25% of graduates are to work in IT industry and this is very low index. Most likely that we lost true value of the word education is educating, that means to hold and give new image or character to people but not impose them with unlimited amount of knowledge and information that sometimes is not only interesting but unnecessary.English word education or Latin word educo in comparison with the Russian equivalent, expose more very(prenominal) definition of the notion we putting in this concept by nurturing. It is the purpose of education in every country rising new spiritual and chaste generation this is our ultimate aim. One of the most vivid examples of such a high-quality education were times of imperial Russia in the middle of XVIII century, where upbringing of high level ecclesiastical and ethical patriots was not restricted by place of birth or nationality of the person.The biggest delusion in our times is the false idea of scientific and technical progress. Under the pretence of it specialization of each tendency narrows with every day. Workers of such a limited in profile become easy-to-handle manipulators and with their help it is likely to comply almost every conception without their understanding and thinking into the truth. Integration to another educational system, like most of European countries, the tests structure, leads to these consequences.As specialists themselves say, one of the most serious problems of integration of the Ukrainian system of educati on in the Bologna process is unawareness of officials of the current situation in the Ukrainian and European education, as well as the objectives of the Bologna process. The system of education in the former USSR was considered to be one of the best in the world. It was not declared by other countries by variety of reasons some of the main ones were political convictions and disinclination to recognize its effectiveness in every way.

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