Thursday, June 6, 2019

Survey American History Essay Example for Free

Survey American History EssayMessage was individuals must readmit God and Christ into their daily lives, must brood a fervent, active piety, and must reject the skeptical rationalism that threatened traditional beliefs. But new denominations no longer accepted the idea of predestination. hot acceptance of the idea that men and women could belong to different Protestant churches and still be committed t206o essenti exclusivelyy the same Christian faith. Women flocked to these meeting which suggests that they were responding to their changing stinting roles as well. They moved aside of the home and into factories. African Americans Group of African American preachers.Some translated the egalitarian religious message that salvation was available to all into a similarly egalitarian message for blacks in the present world. Native Americans Neolin combined Christian and Indian imagery and bringing to Native American religion. He helped stimulate Indian military efforts of 1763 and beyond. Handsome Lake ( a Seneca used to be an alcoholic) inspired many Indians to give up whiskey, gambling and other destructive impost derived from white society. 7. Industrial Revolution (England and the US, how did it start? ) by the death of the 18th century it was well underway in many parts of the world.By the end of the 19th century the global process of industrialization had transformed the societies of Britain, most continental Europe, Japan, and the U. S. weaving- spinning -new devices for carding. For Americans the industrial revolution was largely a product of fast changes in Great Britain, the nation with which they had the closest relations. America received more immigrants from Great Britain than from any other country. Samuel Slater Used the knowledge he had acquired originally leaving England to build a spinning mill for the Quaker merchant Moses Brown in Pawtucket, Rhode Island in 1790.It was the first modern factory in America. 8. like Gin (effects? ) Eli W hitney From MA and Yale Educated. Long-staple cotton smooth black seeds and long fibers but could only wrick near the coast. Short staple cotton could grow anywhere in the s surfaceh but the green seeds are hard to separate. Created the cotton gin that separated the seeds quickly and efficiently. He devised a machine to profit each part of a gun according to an exact pattern. Tasks would be divided among several workers and one laborer could assemble a weapon out of parts made by several others.Used by manufacturers of sewing machines, clocks and many other complicated products. 9. Early American Transportation arranging Oliver Evans Delaware. Made the automated flour mill, a card-making machine, and several important improvements in the steam engine and first textbook of mechanical engineering The Young Mill-Wrights and Millers Guide. Robert Fultons steam boat Turnpike era. They were usually made by private industries and they had tolls so they could make some money out of it. 1 0. Revolution of 1800 Jefferson considered his election as revolutionary.In his speech he said We are all republicans, we are all federalists and he outdid federalists in their work of expanding the stain 11. Washington DC Designed by Pierre LEnfant. But during his presidency it was merely a village. Congressmen viewed Washington as a place where they should concisely visit and leave quickly. Some would even resign their seat in congress for a more prestigious seat for a state legislative seat. 12. The Jefferson Administration (policies) They persuaded congress to abolish all internal taxes which left custom duties, sale of western lands as the only source of revenue for the government.

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